Monday, February 24, 2014




The Saturday afternoon is very hot. Everything appeared to melt from the heat of the sweltering sun. The sun was shining down upon me, making me feel as if it's rays we're hugging me directly. My friend Vivian and I are on our way to Mavuno mashariki church to attend Mizizi.Mizizi is a swahili word for roots. Hence Mizizi is a program offered at Mavuno church that helps one grow deep roots for christian faith. It nurtures ones faith from a mustard seed to a mustard tree. This is a life time experience which deepens your relationship with God-the creator of humanity.

As Vivian and I converse about our Mizizi experience and how it has impacted positivity in our lives. We had an opportunity of volunteering in a children's home. We volunteered to help them as giving back to the society and from this experience I learned a lot especially giving thanks to what life has offered me so far.
As we were immensely conversing,I received a call from a good friend of mine,Martin.
“Hey ,hope your day is coming along well!” Martin said to me
“Yea,sure,hope same applies to.”I said,noting an urgency in his voice.”whatsup Bro,You sound tensed,mind sharing”
I waited for few seconds as Martin was taking a deep breath on the other end of the call. I waited patiently for him to unveil the mystery surrounding his voice.
“Mavuno church is trending on tweeter and Facebook for wrongs reason.”He posed,”are you in the picture?”
“Nope,am not. What is it this time round,”I giggled
“There is a poster which has gone viral and everyone is against it,some blogger are associating the church as a place for homosexuals and porn addicts.”Martin said.
As he finished the statement I laughed and told him that I was aware of it and I will explain later in the day when we meet as I was rushing for the mizizi beings are pretenders,they are holy few hours ion a Sunday but the rest of the week they are back to blurred lines.

Martin is a gentle guy,A well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior.
but he doesn’t go to church as he has not yet found a church which will give him a sense of belonging. I was in the same situation but I met mavuno,a church of reality teachings,Mavuno happened.. At this juncture I had managed to invite Martin for a Sunday service at Mavuno and from there on he decide if he will be attending or not.

Martin's call got me thinking of the outrage of many parishioners. I had read how some guys were very surprised and regarded this as the end of the world for churches having had few churches scandal weeks before.The pharisees of the 21st century.I wondered why someone would just judge from the picture without reading the content. Simply look at how virtually everything that the teens do. Of course,there are varying extremes within the “Teens society.” which humanity as accepted as part and parcel of life. We just say that these are their heysdays and leave them to face life. Have you ever asked yourself what if I dint assume but took
an initiative of taking and walking them through life? Advising them?Showing them there is more to life that Alcohol,sex and drugs! Make them belong somewhere. This is humanity. But for us we just gossip and condemn them. Mavuno being an influential infuencer took the step of faith and decided to tackles the issues facing modern society.Society has failed,the churches are stepping in.

 I agree, the gospel remains the same...BUT the generation has changed... and if we want to make an impact in these teenager's lives, we need to hit the nail on the head. 13 year old are having sex and you want to turn a blind eye?I conquer with Machiavelli that the end justifies the means. If YOU WONT STEP up and educate you kids The church has stood up to do so in a manner that attracts and interests them deal with it

 Do you think you’re so perfect,That you do not need change?You’re so innocent aren’t you?Strutting about with this holier than thou attitude. You call them fake,Who then are you?Are you quite being your own self,
To call yourself true?Christians need to get off the religious treadmill of church and revisit the NT example and teaching on how to assemble as the Church. The true Kingdom of God doesn’t come from the top down but from the bottom up, from the grass roots.If the advert offended you it was not meant for you....further more none of the people making noise has heard the content of the message, all are simply speculating and trying to sound righteous just like the pharisees and Sadducees did.The idea was to get their attention in a non-threatening environment then deliver the message

Lets be rational and have a radical approach to these teens of 21st century. Rarely do we get teens flocking church as it used to happen in older years. They have so many thing to indulge in to bit the weekends and church is the last place to be. The society has failed now the church is coming in to restore sanity amongst the teens who are going to be the leaders of tomorrow. Instead of judging others,lets try to emulate Jesus teachings and not be the pharisees. Jesus refused to act the part of magistrate when the woman who had committed adultery was brought to him by pharisees,who had stormed outbreak of murderous passion against the woman. Jesus in these scenario call fro freedom of similar offense which are rampant in our society. He wants the church to tackle such menaces. Jesus call for inward saint-less and freedom from irregular prehension what Mavuno is trying to do.

The aim of life is to find happiness,which means to find interests. Education is the preparation for life and Mavuno has taken the initiative to tackle sex education which society is so ignorant to approach. Lets pose some questions. How many times have we watched news regarding early pregnancies?How many times have you heard a young girl lost her life during abortion?So many insane sex crimes?Why we have what the society calls bastards a social disgrace? Why! A thousand why about our vaunted state of civil eminence?

We are fast in judging,overlooking the motives behind an approach to a challenge. The use of the poster by Mavuno is a whimsical approach to teens. The wise people once said set a thief to catch a thief. This saying relates to the use of the poster by Mavuno.This will help annihilate the vicissitudes of of teens society of the 21st century. Lets stop being inimical to new ideas yet the lifestyle is changing rapidly.The world is becoming a global village. Its time we challenge ourselves to the notion of church and its participation to sex education. I embrace this idea, am shocked with lads and lasses stuffed up with useless theories about church.Ask yourself what a church is and who are meant to attend? Church is for those people who are sinners they listen and gradually they will change.

Mavuno as a movement embraces people from all walks of life without judging them. It eventually helps you to undergo a radical revolution of morals with time. Mavuno- a church so deeply imbued with moral knowledge. In the book of John 4:1-4.we read of the Samaritan woman. Jesus showed that his mission was to the entire earth,not just the Jews. Mavuno is embracing people with all kind of behavior leaving God to be the ultimate judge and forgiver. Our human tendency is to judge others because of stereotypes,customs or prejudice. Jesus treat people as individuals accepting them with love and compassion. Ask yourself,Do I dismiss certain people as lost causes? Do a cognitive introspection,then saturate your mind with great words and try to understand more of Jesus coming to earth.

The church is where a persons morality is cured and more important where people especially the youth are reared to happiness and seek abundance in Godly ways. They teach the youth without use of coercion and condemnation by appealing to their curiosity and spontaneous needs. We are dogmatically opinionated critics of modern church-the church are assimilated to certain cultural norms. In Mark 2:16,Jesus was eating with the sinners and tax collectors,then the scribes of pharisees saw this and asked his disciples why Jesus was doing so. Christians are mainly hypocrites like the pharisees,the type that Jesus dint want to be associated with. Church is for people who are broke,hurting,lost imperfect,name them. Just as Jesus,Mavuno church is reaching out to preach to the sinners as perceived by society. The church should let everyone in and do whatever it take to bring them to God. The end justifies the means.

Pay a visit to the church and make your opinions from a point of knowledge. Heysays don’t help at all. Its a church that deal with real issues and being different. Jesus came so that the lost can see the light emulate Jesus.

Have a look at Jesus life on earth.Look at his missions.Whom did he mostly indulge. he never spent a single day with the religious or the self righteous guys of his days...he made it comfortable for tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers etc to be around him.Mavuno has not changed any message regarding the bible.Lets not pretend that  we skipped through the hormone induced teenage years and vilifying the church for trying to deal with it
Vivian's mind was in a turmoil as she read the tweets regarding Mavuno.She just murmur God forgive them for they dont know what they are doing. Vivian and I decided we will step out and be influential influencer no matter what.

 Esther Wavinya


  1. there is always a flipside to saying this am just empasising that b4 judging always look at something from a different angle and know that not everything is as black or white as you think.there will always b a shade of grey.

  2. there is always a flipside to saying this am just empasising that b4 judging always look at something from a different angle and know that not everything is as black or white as you think.there will always b a shade of grey.
