Wednesday, February 19, 2014


The night was eerie, the breeze filled its capacity in the artic, the booze in my hands, wore me out. A jog of my thoughts, an that very Saturday, had caught me in this situation.
It all began on that vivid hot sunny afternoon as we lay in the pool, the water was cold, the breeze was perfect, our heads to cool.
Then it happened, striding like a colossus, finest architecture ever, never taught in school.
Her sight had me mesmerized, before I knew it, I became a fool.
She came to my rescue, for I was drowning, a dozen glasses of water, one litre of love.
Tell me, how bad can it be, when a girl saves your life? Especially if she is the love of your life?
Her bright smile greeted me when I came to my sense, she had done more than enough, my life she saved, I felt indebted to her, so I swore to return the favor, to make her happy, and bring sheer joy in her soul.
Her wish to be my command, for she raised me back to life like dough, she was the reason for my living and breathing; literally.
"Please tell him to call me tonight," tell him to meet me at the joint," Her post master general I became, the duty she gave me, she did appoint, I became her chief advisor, on relationships that is, she was my savior and me she did anoint.
My way of returning the favor, though it hurt my mentality and my heart joint. It was as if she could see through me, like I was a mirror, in me she saw other mens' reflection.
Kalas! To my thoughts. Ladies and and gentlemen, that is my story, fair ladies and noble gentlemen, a tale of love at first sight, a magic come true to present.
Hurt on the first night, unanswered text messages of sleep tight, sweet dreams and so on and so forth.
So sad and sorrowful for I loved her, love her still and so shall I always. If only she gives me a chance, a moment, me and her, a momentum.
Hope she someday see me in a different light, the saddest part of the story is that, Its only until today, actually right now that I have realized what I have become,
A genie in the lamp, a man constantly feeling blue, A MESSENGER OF LOVE.
 Muia Dennis

1 comment:

  1. Muia your power of words enthrall me,a great piece it is
    "Her sight had me mesmerized, before I knew it, I became a fool."
