Thursday, February 27, 2014


“No happy man has ever wanted to be gay even if the thought crossed his mind and no happy man has ever wanted to kill another man for being gay.”Juliet said .
The the mutual conflict was taking an emotional turn between the four of them,Sara,Mark,William and Juliet.
“Why would anyone want to be gay anyway,it bothers me?”asked Mark
“Thats his bedroom life and for me it none of my p's and q's.”said Sara
“mmmm,if its their bedroom affairs why do they come out open then? William asked Sara
“just as the way the straights come public by paying dowry and walking down the isle,”Sara posed,” I know you gonna ask me why then is there hullabaloo regarding their coming out!”
She looked at William straight in the eye and said we the society are the ones who make this issue go viral. We are the reason why it is so public. William could not swallow this as it bothered him to the neck.
“They should be killed and rot in hell. I hate them with a passion.” William affirmed
All this time Juliet was quite and analyzing her friends attitudes towards gayism.
She finally spoke,”Hate is a condition of the mind and no happy man hates another man because of a condition acquired nor use coercion and condemnation to belittle such man,but find a ways why such person is in such condition and try to help.”

Juliet is a rational thinker-thinking reality and a radical approach to a problem. She has good outlook on life and a positive attitude. She cares about other people's feelings and aware that what she says may affect the way others think. When she speaks her friends tend to be attentive as her words and reasoning commands attention. She has a unique way of reasoning with others. William,Sara,and Mark were very attentive as they wanted to hear Juliet's stand on the issue on the table.
“Repression of life at younger age or mid age fosters rebellious moves,unrealistic thinking and unrealistic behavior.gayism is an habit taught by oneself due to according either fit in with members of the group who might be your friends,economical reasons or trying ti emulate a celebrity you value so much,to say but a few.'She poses and seep her glass of water while her friends are allowing the words to sink in.
“Just like alcoholism,drug addition,adultery,fornication,one can leave this habit if they have the will to do so. Hence condemning them or using coercion won’t solve the problem other than make them more rebellious. Chances of them abandoning this condition become rare since they will want to rebel against the society for condemning and using coercive methods to end this.”
“So you are trying to say if we have strident laws against homosexuality,we will not solve the issue rather than bottling it up and causing it to grow slow by slow.”
“Yea,we should know that no one is born homosexual and being homosexual is a moral choice,then the science of neuroplasticity says that if you don't 'reward" a thought it will occur less and less frequently until the brain prunes the unused connection,this pruning process is part of the maturation process of the brain.”

Mark was admiring Juliet's approach towards this issue and liked how calmly she was putting her point across. Sara and William went mute to allow her to finish her notion. They all thought Juliet to be very bright and passionate about humanity. Never will you hear her condemning someone. She likes finding a reason why something happened or why someone is behaving against the so perceived good behavior.
Juliet is a banker which her friends say is her calling. She usually shy’s away when told she would have made a good lawyer and urges her to do law.

Juliet continue to support her notion that, “Fundamentally,gayism is afraid of life. Its running away from life. But mostly the gays argue that we should:“Understand that sexuality is as wide as the sea. Understand that your morality is not law. Understand that we are you. Understand that if we decide to have sex whether safe, safer, or unsafe, it is our decision and you have no rights in our lovemaking.”
She stares at her friend then continues, “They have forgotten the organic love which was bestowed to us by God. Love between Man and woman:God created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve.”It undermines the basis of God's created order.

William at this point gives a big friendly smile and urges Juliet to continue. ''I hate you Juliet,you know I do.'' Juliet reacts by raising her Eyebrows. Then William continues, “you always win by convincing us with your rational reasoning. I hate you for always being the one to come up with radical approaches.''
Juliet smiles and since everyone is looking at her for more,she continues by saying,”Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination,thought politics differ with this idea saying that there is nothing wrong with two people just loving each other. Who are we Christians to judge them? But, who are they to say what is morally right and wrong.?”
Mark nods and says,”yea ,Does politics have an objective standard of morals that all people should follow?”
“Thats a good query Mark,they are going against marriage. Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman which is by its nature ordered toward the procreation and education of children and the unity and well being of the spouse.''Said Sara.
“ we should stop judging our gay friends and family instead find lenient ways of talking them against this.”Juliet said, “By teaching them Gods intention of marriage and sex will help them. Also parents to play a big role by educating their kids from an early age about natural law which is good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be avoided. By his natural reason, man can perceive what is morally good or bad for him.''

“If homosexual “marriage” is universally accepted as the present step in sexual “freedom,” what logical arguments can be used to stop the next steps of incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and other forms of unnatural behavior?” Mark asked
“a controversial avant-garde.” Said Sara

They all nodded in agreement,then Juliet said that her final statement Marriage is a fundamental social institution that does not exist just for the emotional satisfaction of two individuals but for the greater good of the community which stands under the blessing or curse of God. Societies that put emotional fulfillment before right actions and principles will soon give way to a multitude of addictions and deep corruptions and collapse. God will judge any society that institutes same sex marriages.

William finally said, “ as Christians we should not judge them,just inform them that God has declared that homosexuality is a sin. I know. Some will say the Bible isn't true, that it is archaic, sexist, homophobic...blah, blah, blah I've heard it all before. Kill the messenger and let's all jump into bed together and have our fun.

William thought of Juliet's approach and smiled but deep down he still advocated for the killing of such people by the government and society at large.

1 comment:

  1. I love the reasoning part of this story but i am afraid i have to side with William on this...
